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2021 Awards and Pledging Ceremony

Awards and Pledging Ceremony (Friday , 22  October 2021, at 10:00 a.m.)      

The guest speaker at the award and NSC Examination pledging ceremony was Pastor Ramatshimbila and the guest of honour was Pastor Mphilo who is also the managing director of our school.

The awards were in two forms, certificates and some little cash to motivate the matriculants. The students were awarded in two categories namely Top Ten students and best students in each subject.

Top Ten students are :

  1. Sirovha Dimakatso
  2. Mpofu Nkosikhona
  3. Mupfeki Eugene
  4. Magobo Thuso
  5. Managa vhudzisani
  6. Mahomela Funzani
  7. Matambatshika Usinkhangwe
  8. Koko Rinae
  9. Ngwenya Gerald
  10. Muila Mulisa

 Best students in each Subject are:

Tshivenda Home Language:

  1. Sirovha Dimaklatso
  2. Mahomela Funzani

English FAL:

  1. Mahomela Funzani
  2. Nemusundwa Murendeni

Life Orientation:

  1. Boloko Mpho
  2. Sirovha Dimakatso

Business Studies:

  1. Managa Vhudzisani
  2. Koko Rinae


  1. Koko Rinae
  2. Managa Vhudzisani
  3. Mphaga Vhugala

Agricultural Sciences:

  1. Ngwenya Gerald
  2. Mamatsinya Rotondwa

Mathematics Literacy:

  1. Mamatsinya Rotondwa
  2. Mukhumenu Konanani



  1. Managa Vhudzisani
  2. Matambatshika Usinkhangwe


  1. Mpofu Nkosikhona
  2. Sirovha Dimakatso

Life Sciences:

  1. Mpofu Nkosikhona
  2. Sirovha Dimakatso


  1. Mpofu Nkosikhona
  2. Sirovha Dimakatso

        Physical Sciences:

  1. Sirovha Dimakatso

Mpofu Nkosikhona                     


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